Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lost Portraits from Minnesota

Jan and I pretty much stole this camera from the high school he taught at.  Their photography department was no longer using traditional methods.  When I plan on using something I steal to fulfill its original purpose, I call it "liberating".

What I remember most about this trip were all the little tear-offs from the apricot flavored rolling papers falling into my lap on the airplane home.

This wall was a really cool color.  It's alright in black and white too.

It's important to wear a seat belt, I guess.  Dying in a car crash probably isn't as exciting as it sounds.  It just doesn't seem very sporting.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hang it out to dryClo

Clotheslines are pretty damn homey.  Mmm, it smells fresh!  Put it on my face!
Professional businesses sometimes do the weirdest things.