Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Drive By Press at Bonnaroo 2011

Bonnaroo wasn't unlike what I expected, but I wasn't completely ready for the experience.  Words that come to mind:  Massive Dusty Stoned Survival.

As a working environment, this music festival was a strange proving ground.  It didn't seem as if many of the vendors actually enjoyed the work.  It was simply another stop on the tour.  An oft-heard comment: "I said last year would be the last year."  The event staff were largely local, seasonal hires from the surrounding community.  Some were having a great time, others looked miserable.  The big draw was free entry, and they only had to work 8 hour shifts, where as us vendors pulled consecutive 16-hour days.

Still, the experience as a whole was rewarding.  Almost any feat of endurance gives me a charge.  Reflecting, it sounds so like such an ordeal, but it really wasn't.  I stayed busy.  Ate often and drank plenty of water.  Missed John Waters, but saw plenty of interesting things just staring right out of the booth.  Wore sunglasses almost non-stop.  Had to, or too much dust would get in my eyes.

What a weird place.  They say it rains every year, but not the summer I was there.  Sunny days, here I come!

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